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Well, where do I start....

 29 September 2011

This is my very first blog.. ever. I am starting this for a new hobby but also to keep my family back home "in the loop". So, if you want to know what is going on in the House of Shu, this would be the place to find it.

So, what's going on here? Today, not so much. I got up, got the boys off to school, loaded and ran the dishwasher from my laziness last night after dinner, and watched some Good Day L.A. Now here I am. On the computer, which I haven't decided is a step up or step down from being on my phone; I am rarely without it, as you know. It is sad how technology seems to be the only thing keeping my life (somewhat) on track. I would (and have) forget birthdays, doctor appointments, etc. Not to mention, what would I do while I am "watching" Robert's shows that put me to sleep?? ;) All in good fun, of course.

But, back to us. I have decided to start college (FINALLY)!! I have changed my mind so many times, but I am set in now and just waiting on MyCaa, which is a financial aid program for military spouses. I was going to become a Physical Therapy Aide, but I realized that was just a certificate program and not an actual degree. So, broadening my future options, I have decided on becoming a Medical Assistant. This is an Associates degree and can get my foot in the door in doc offices, hospitals, etc. I still have every intention of becoming a Physical Therapy Assistant down the road, but I do not currently have that option. Should I wait to start any career until I have the option that I ultimately want? I say no. With the MA degree, I can get to work pretty much anywhere. However, with the PT Aide certificate, I could maybe get a job in a PT office. That would be fine, great even, but there isn't quite a demand for that as there is for MA. Blah, blah, blah, right? I know. Summing up, that is the reason I chose MA, and I couldn't be more excited about starting an actual career, as opposed to just "figuring it out" when we get out of the Army.

Since I have brought it up, I guess I better continue the Army discussion. Robert and I have talked a lot about getting out or staying in and yadda yadda. We both are beyond ready to be back home with our family and 'normalcy', if you will. We were perfectly happy being in CO, a mere 2-day trip to visit. Being here, in CA, in the middle of nowhere (or middle of everywhere, as some have put it), is not at all working for me. I know. It's all about ME, right? Ha! Not even a little bit. I am just speaking for the family, if I may do that. Robert is gone at least half the month, every month, and has a lot to deal with at this post. He is leaving Sunday, Oct 2nd for WLC at Fort Bliss, TX. He will be there approx. 4 weeks. Where again, I get to be Mom and Dad. Such is life. I am not complaining. Perhaps just venting a little. I love Robert and am so very proud of him. The Army life is not for everyone, and it is definitely not as glamorous as so many make it out to be. We have a better life than we ever have. I just miss being a family for more than a 4-day weekend once a month, or two weeks a year during deployments. Ok. Rant over.

The boys are all doing great! But, I will have to get into that a little later. I have spent more time than I expected to on this already. Having to stop every 2-3 minutes to get Alex a drink or out of a cabinet or kiss a boo-boo may have hindered the time it has taken me to write a few things, but, hey, this is my life! :)

Hope all is well with everything and everyone!<3



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