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Wow... It's Been One of Those Days...

 24 February 2012

I am a little more calm than I was about an hour or so ago. It has been a rough morning already. 

Alexander's audiology appointment was scheduled for 10 o'clock this morning. It was a rescheduled appointment, because I was told by a certain "Kristen", whom answers the phone for the specialist's office, that Fort Irwin was a mere hour away from Yucca Valley, where their office is located. After Google mapping directions, I noticed she was way off. It is in fact 120 miles away from our home and 2 hours, 43 minutes one way. So, this morning we set out early enough to make that appointment. Unfortunately, a little less than halfway to Yucca Valley, a tractor-trailer was flipped on its side crossing the entire state road. The police and ambulance had not yet arrived, and there were no cars between me and the semi. A white pickup had waved for me to slow down from the side of the road about half a mile before reaching the accident. I felt bad for the driver(s), but I don't think I would have been able to help in any way, and the white pickup driver was already on the phone with 911. So, I turned around, determined to make it to this appointment.

I begin by using the maps application on my phone. A lot of help it was. It just kept telling me to do a U-turn and go back the way I was originally headed. So I looked at the map and saw another road somewhat parallel to the one I was on, heading in the same direction I needed to go. I get back on I-40 hoping we will still make the appointment. To make matters seemingly worse, my hood wasn't latched all the way, and it was bouncing around. Terrified it was going to flip up and cause me to crash, I pulled over to latch it completely. I finally reach the exit I need to take. When I get to the parallel road I intended to take, I find that it is where the concrete ends. The entire road, which borders a Marine Logistics base, is nothing but a dirt/sand mix. No thanks. So, I turn around again, deciding to head through Victorville. However, that was going to add an extra hour to the trip. As I am passing through Barstow, I stop to call the office. Lucky for me, "Kristen" answered again. I told her about the accident blocking the road and the lack of options, but I was clearly just making things up. Interrupting me, she asks if I would be able to make it by 3pm. I said it should be fine, assuming no more accidents or other tragedies. She informed me that this would be the last time they can reschedule. I, feeling embarrassed and a tad angry, acknowledged what she had said and apologized for missing another appointment, though it was out of my control.

Driving back home to spend a couple hours relaxing before having to leave again at noon, I got more and more upset about having to drive so far to be treated so rudely. I decide to call our insurance company, praying there is another audiologist closer. Thankfully, there is one just on the other side of Victorville. Though it is still a good drive, it is less than two hours, knocking an hour off each way! The new audiologist will get Alexander's information and referral when they get in tomorrow morning. I will be calling to set up his new appointment then. Hopefully, they are little more professional because we are stuck with this one! 

I got to call "Kristen" back and cancel this afternoon's appointment, explaining the new office was closer. She asked where it was located and "informed" me that they are about the same distance. Negative, "Kristen".

Monday is Alex's speech pathology appointment. They are in the same area as the new audiologist, so I may drive around to find their office before his appointment. That way I will know how long it takes, since everything is miles away from this post. 

Sorry this was so wordy, but, as I said, it has been a crazy morning.


Last Chance...

 23 February 2012

Tomorrow is the last day to donate to William for Jump Rope for Heart!! We appreciate everyone that has donated already!! He has raised $50 so far! 

If you want to donate but haven't yet, click here to donate now!

Thank you all again!!


Short Update...

 15 February 2012

I have taken a short hiatus since the song challenge had ended. I hope you have all been well. We have finally caught ourselves back up, financially, since moving here last June, so we are feeling pretty good right now. Hopefully, we have got it all worked out to stay ahead of the game like we were before from now on. It is amazing how moving our family a few states away can cost so much!

So, to give you a quick update on Alex...
To start off with, he hasn't had any other appointments. Therefore, we haven't had a chance to test any of the suggestions we were graciously given. We have been practicing some things here at home, such as standing on the scale, letting me look in his ears, etc., to hopefully show him that it is not a big deal to let the doctor do these things. He has been taking it pretty well with me doing it, but I am still nervous for him when the doctor/nurse tries to do it.

I got a call back from the radiologist's office today about his legs being crooked. They said he is definitely knock-kneed. Obviously. But, they said it is within the normal range. However, they also said his right leg is half an inch shorter than his left. Well, dang. Just as he gets cleared on one thing, something else seems to pop up. I may be making excuses, but I don't know how accurate the x-ray was. Alex doesn't stand with his legs straight, so I was thinking maybe he had one bent when attempting to take x-ray. I don't know. We have been told to watch for him limping. If he begins limping more often than not, we have to go back to the doctor and, undoubtedly, have more tests done. I suppose we will see in due time. The radiologist said both the knock-knees and the shorter leg should "fix themselves" before puberty. Clearly, we have time to wait.

But, that's all for now. The rest of us are doing well and staying happy and healthy. More updates to come, though, as Alex has his audiology and speech pathology appointments, and I have my dermatology appointment. I am truly going to miss Tricare when the day comes that we no longer have it.


Song Challenge: Day 30...

 09 February 2012

Day 30: Your Favorite Song this Time Last Year
I have no words for this song. I just loved it then and still do today. It is a catchy tune, and how can you not feel better after hearing this?!

I hope you have all enjoyed seeing a little deeper into what is "Jess"! If you want to start your own song challenge, click here and enjoy! Thank you for listening!



 08 February 2012

As my readers know, I have three boys. Normally, I write my blogs just to show family and friends how they/we are doing. However, in this particular post, I am asking for help from anyone that is willing to give me some advice.

Our youngest, Alex, has such a great personality. He is 2 years old and makes me laugh every day just being silly and full of life. He is a great kid, but he has had some medical issues. When he was just a few months old, he had an x-ray done of his chest, in which he was eventually diagnosed with the later stages of RSV. Being so small, he was put into a tube-like device to keep his chest straight for the x-ray. Ever since then, he, for lack of a better phrase, freaks out when he sees a doctor or room with a doctor's office-like table. His legs are more crooked than normal toddlers, so the doctor requested we get x-rays done so the radiologist could measure the angle of his legs and see if they are within the normal range. It was impossible to get him to lay down calmly on the table. So, the tech had him stand up. The entire time Alex was screaming and petrified. They took about 5 x-rays before they finally got one that was "good enough".

Alex is still not talking very much. He only says maybe 10 words, which makes him behind. We have him in speech therapy, and he is doing a lot better with it, using sign language to help communicate what he wants/needs. To be sure that he is just being "lazy" with his talking as opposed to having something medically wrong with him, we have appointments set up with an audiologist, to check his hearing, and a speech pathologist, to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with him (tongue-tied, etc.). 

Having all these appointments and anticipating how Alex is going to react to them, I need help in figuring out ways to calm him down. I have told him everything is okay, held him while he cries, and, generally, just consoled him in any way possible. I don't know what else to do, but he is obviously going to be seeing the doctors a lot more often than he wants to. Any suggestions at all you can give will be tried and more than appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


Song Challenge: Day 29...

Day 29: A Song from Your Childhood
I cannot help but smile thinking about cruising through Kentucky with the t-tops out of the Monte Carlo.... good times. Maybe not the safest of times, but they are definitely some of my favorite memories!!


Song Challenge: Day 28...

 07 February 2012

Day 28: A Song that Makes You Feel Guilty
I cannot honestly say I feel guilty for thinking about certain people when hearing this song, but, since I probably should, I choose this song. I don't think I need any more explanation, considering.


Song Challenge: Day 27...

 06 February 2012

Day 27: A Song You Wish You Could Play
One of the best songs ever, in my opinion. I could listen to this song every day. It just pumps me up, I suppose. Also, I don't understand why the hairstyles and those tight pants ever went out of style. Ha!


Power Outage #2...

 05 February 2012

Fort Irwin has been updating the utilities on post (how, I'm not sure). Yesterday was the second, and final, I believe, of the planned power outages. So, since there was a whole lot of nothing to do at home, we figured we would get off post and have some fun!

We decided to go to Ontario, a little over two hours away. Papa Shu had heard about a mall in Ontario that everyone raved about. It is a very good size mall. It really is like an indoor outlet mall, and I have every intention of giving them some of our money in the future. It is the least I can do. Right? Well, we had a late lunch at D&B and played some games afterward. I got a few pictures with my phone. My phone, however, has seen better days, so I apologize for the quality.
The view on the way to Ontario. It reminds me of driving through Tennessee. Very pretty.

 Some NASCAR racing and shootin' hoops... So fun!

I did not get any pictures of Alex while we were there, but he had fun too. He got to play some ski-ball and shoot-'em-up games as well. But, because it was so busy there, I was more concerned with keeping him from running off than taking pictures. I will try harder next time to do both! Ha!

He has, though, started hiding from us. I heard him playing in his room for a little bit. Then it got quiet. So I went to check on him. As you know, when kids get quiet, there is generally something bad going on. In this instance, he had crawled under his bed to get his basketball that had rolled under it. He heard me coming, I think, and decided to just stay there and "hide". I played along by saying, "Alex? Where's Alex?" He laid there, not moving anything but a couple toes. After a minute or two, he worked himself out, bumping his bottom, back, and head on the bottom of the crib, then popping up and laughing. He is too funny!
Today we found him under the kitchen table. He was "hiding" under there because he had gotten William's 3DS and wanted to play, even though he knows he isn't supposed to. Hence the hiding. He is going to be a sneaky one, I think.


Song Challenge: Day 26...

Day 26: A Song You Can Play on an Instrument
Outside of Chopsticks and Mary Had a Little Lamb, this is all I got. I used to be able to play much more, but, as they say, if you don't use it, you'll lose it. And lost it, I have.


Song Challenge: Day 25...

 04 February 2012

Day 25: A Song that Makes You Laugh
I love Toby Keith in general, but this song cracks me up. Until I saw the video, I was a little put off by the song itself, but ever since, I laugh every time I hear this song. It is just a feel-good song, and who doesn't love feel-good songs?!


Song Challenge: Day 24...

 03 February 2012

Day 24: A Song You Want Played at Your Funeral
This may be a generational song, but I have wanted this song played at my funeral since it came out. I was looking at a couple other songs that would be just as, if not more suitable, but, ultimately I feel this one has more of a connection with me and anyone that would be attending my funeral. My song choice may change as the, God willing, many years pass before anyone has to worry about these details. But, for now, this is at the top of my list.


Song Challenge: Day 23...

 02 February 2012

Day 23: A Song You Want Played at Your Wedding
I am obviously already married, but we didn't ever have a wedding. Therefore, if we ever have a ceremony some time down the road (*hint hint*), I would like this song played. This has been our song since somewhere around my sophomore year in high school. Cheesy, I know, but wasn't the 90s in itself, for lack of a better word, cheesy?


Jump Rope for Heart!!

 01 February 2012

William is participating in Jump Rope for Heart on February 24. He is asking for help from anyone that can spare anything. His goal is $125, and any amount you can give is much appreciated! All donations have to be collected and turned in no later than Friday, February 28. Luckily, he was able to sign up online so family and friends from all over can donate! 

If you would like to help William and Lewis Elementary reach their goal for the children with heart conditions, go here, and click on the "DONATE to William!" button on the right side of your screen.

Thank you all in advance!!


Song Challenge: Day 22...

Day 22: A Song You Listen to When You're Sad
When I was going through my divorce, I had a hard time dealing with life in general. I was at a job that required me to work 12-hour shifts seven days a week. I had two children at the time, and I, for lack of better words, went a little "crazy" with the lack of sleep (working 3rd shift), trying to be Mom, and the stress of the divorce. On my way home or to pick up my boys, I would play this song on repeat and just cry. I knew I was being a bad parent and a bad person, but I couldn't figure out a way at the time to rectify my actions. I still don't know that I have, but I put everything in God's hands and did what I could to survive. I made many mistakes and regret them all, but I look back on those times and remember how thankful I am to have had His help, as well as having my family that stuck by and helped in every way they could to get me back to where I needed to be.


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