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Trey's Big Boo-boo...

 13 June 2012

As most of you know, Trey had a pretty bad fall today. He was out playing with friends just behind our house. He tripped as he was running to catch up with a friend and fell, hitting his head on a sharp rock. He was knocked out for a second and was wobbly and confused when he got up. He told his friends to come get me but ended up walking back on his own, dripping blood the whole way. He came around the fence, where Robert and I were sitting in the back yard, saying he got hit by a rock. We were not alarmed originally due to him being so calm and rational. When he walked through the gate, we see his face is heavily covered in blood. He had blood on his hands, arms, legs, and clothes. Now, we are much more rushed to get him care, obviously. Robert wrapped his head with some gauze we had here to slow and maintain the blood flow while we were en route to the emergency room. Robert stayed home with Alex since he was still laying down for his nap while I took Trey. They got him in almost immediately, which I was afraid wouldn't happen, and he was laying in a bed before the nurse had even gotten his paperwork. I was pleasantly surprised by this.

So, with the background being out there, I want to warn anyone that gets sick at the sight of blood, or just simply does not want to see it, to stop reading now. I know the second video is not long, but my camera wasn't working on my phone. Therefore, I had to take a quick video before the surgeon stitched him up.

Trey's message to everyone.
(I tried to send this to the family, but, again, my phone would not cooperate.)

For those that cannot read what his shirt says, here it is...
"I think I brained my damage"
He was wearing this shirt all day, including when he fell. Ironic, isn't it?

He had a CT Scan to confirm there was no skull fracture or internal bleeding or swelling and there was none, thank God. After getting those results, it was time to get him stitched up.
Last chance to turn away. This is the gruesome part.

I think the gaping hole in his head speaks for itself...

He did not cry once. Not when it happened, not when he saw the blood, not at all ever. He said it didn't hurt very much, even when people were touching it. However, when the surgeon began numbing it, I thought he was going to break my hand. Even with this pain he was clearly experiencing, he laid still and did not cry one tear. He was so tough!

When we got home, he wanted to show off his 20 new stitches (for those of you keeping track, that is 28 total in his almost 11 years) to his friends that he was playing with when it happened. Then, I wanted to see where it happened and the evil rock that did this to my baby.

You can see, if you click on the photo to make it bigger, where he hit and some blood drops when he stood up.

His DNA is everywhere...

Around the bend..... and up to our front door..... Trey's way of saying, "I was here."

To follow up, he was doing better (while his head was still numb). Then, after being outside with his friends for a short while, he got a pretty bad headache and decided resting like Nonni told him to do would be the best way to go.

Trey with his 20 new stitches and swelling, standing with his friends that are gathered around him happy he is okay.

It was scary for all of us, but we are all beyond lucky to have Trey in our lives. Someone was looking out for him today, and we could not be more thankful for it.


Trey's promotion...

 12 June 2012

So, when I was writing my last post, I did not include Trey's 5th grade promotion ceremony because I wanted to scan in his awards. Since I have a little time while waiting for maintenance to come fix our air-conditioner, I figured I would use it to your benefit! :)

We are so proud of all of our boys, but this particular post is just for Trey. Schools out here in our neck of the desert are separated differently than what we are use to. K-2nd grades are in one school, 3rd-5th in another, middle school is 6th-8th, and high school is the same with 9th-12th. That being said, Trey just completed 5th grade, promoting him to middle school. They had a graduation of sorts for them, and I have to be honest... I teared up a little when they were walking in. Most were dressed in nice clothes and walking proud while they played Pomp and Circumstance. I know. I know. He was simply being "promoted" to 6th grade. However, as little of an achievement as it may seem, it does not make us any less proud of what he has done and who he is.

He did not want to go every day, but he sucked it up!
It's official!!
I cannot explain how proud of him we are!!
These were the four awards he received. He was hoping for the Physical Fitness Award. They only handed one out for boys and one for girls, and he did not get it. However, he DID get an honorable mention for his work in attempting to reach it! I think that may have been the "coolest" part to him. I, personally, could not be more proud of him for the Presidential Award!!

I apologize for not sharing this with him sooner. I know you are all equally as impressed by his accomplishments, and I should not have been so selfish with the wonderful news!

Mom and Dad with our "graduate"!

(Just because I am sure it will come up..... Yes, Robert has a black eye. No, I did not give it to him.) :)


Catch Up Time...

 02 June 2012

To start with....
This is going to be a long post! I had been waiting on Trey to complete his Science Camp blog. So, now that it is done, I can catch you up! I was going to post one blog for each thing we did, but since it has taken so long, I figured I would just add a little bit of everything into one! 
*(I am posting a separate one about our SeaWorld trip)

MAY 6- Freestyle Motocross here on Fort Irwin
These guys were amazing! They had such a short area to jump in, and I was scared for them the first few times they jumped. It didn't take long at all, though, for them to prove they knew exactly what they were doing! I have no idea how they can twist themselves around the way they do and still land safely on the other side, but they do it... and very well at that! My favorite stunt was the third down on the left. The guy would bring his feet up and kick himself in the head while hanging onto the bike. All the guys were great, and we all had a BLAST! Here is one more picture, just for fun, from that day...

MAY 20- Solar eclipse

These didn't come out quite as fabulous as I had hoped. I don't have a specialized lens on my camera for this type of thing, but I have an editing program that I hope will make the eclipse a little more visible. I will have to post those later, but this is what I have for now...

1. The beginning...

2. Somewhere around the middle...

3. The end...

As you can see, there isn't a big difference between the three, but they were taken progressively throughout the eclipse.
These are some other pictures I took while we were waiting for something a little more exciting to happen.... which was anticlimactic, to say the least.
William still likes having his picture taken.

Trey doesn't... so I have to sneak them. (He wasn't in a good mood this day.)

Alexander just loves being outside, even when he is strapped in.

Trey and William were about over the eclipse at this point.

Sun setting behind Blackie.

I am looking forward to editing these to see if I got some neat shots, but it will have to wait until another day.

Thanks to all of you that still check my blog to see if I post... even when it takes me sometimes weeks to see anything new with us. 


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