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That's 55 Gallons...

 13 March 2012

As some of you know, we got a new aquarium recently. We are still having some issues with the ammonia levels (any suggestions are welcome), but we keep trying to bring them down. As soon as we get the levels down, doing water change after water change, it comes back up in a couple days. We have tested the water we are adding to it, and that doesn't seem to be the problem. We have rinsed out the filters, re-rinsed the plants, treated the water, and we still can't figure it out. We "killed" all but 4 of our original fish (started with 12), and I recently (when Robert left for the box) "killed" 2 of our new ones. That was totally my fault for not listening to Hubby's instructions.
This was before I, um, drugged the two that we most recently lost.

Hopefully, we will figure out what is going on and stop having to change the water every day or two... mostly because Robert isn't here to do it, and I don't wanna! Ha! I have another week and a half to handle the tank on my own. You know how people that can't grow plants, or kill them quickly, are told they have a black thumb? Well, I am pretty sure my whole hand is black because I can't keep pets to save my life! I kill two fish within a day of Robert leaving them with me, I killed (literally baked) Trey's two fire-bellied toads not long after he got them... I am truly surprised our boys have made it this long! I guess I have more love for them than I do marine/amphibian life. Well, clearly. But, you get what I am saying. I just need to show these fish more love, right? That'll save them! Uh-huh. Well, it better, because our pockets aren't going to for much longer!


A Little Bit of Everyone...

 12 March 2012

Well, hello, everyone! I know. I know. I haven't posted anything in a really long (exaggerated, of course) time. I could say I have been busy doing all sorts of exciting things.... but I would be lying. I have, however, been trying to get my final General Studies course done, so I may eventually get to my proctored exams and core classes. I am not at all enjoying this course, but I will get through it. 

Other than schoolwork, we have been dealing with long rotations and seemingly longer trips back and forth to appointments. Alex is doing great and learning at least one word a day, sometimes more! As Nonni has heard, she is his favorite right now, but we are working to get everyone on a more level field. (Sorry, Mom!) He loves both his speech therapist and pathologist. Though, it may just be the toys they let him play with. Either way, he is doing such a great job! When Miss Karen comes on Monday mornings, he greets her at the door and is sitting in his seat before she gets in the house. When she shows him something, whether it is a new sign or how to solve a puzzle, it only takes a time or two to remember and know how to do it the next week when she comes. She says he is so smart and doing a great job... as if I didn't know that already. Miss Karen is such a sweet lady, and I am so thankful she was brought into our lives, especially Alex's. He has only had one appointment with his pathologist Miss Sharon. He got to play with a circus, a barn, a house, AND an ipad! How cool is he?! She is going to start (in a couple weeks) taking him back to her office without me. I, of course, want to be in there with him, but I understand that it can help him focus better when Mom isn't watching everything. Plus, I still have Mondays with him and Miss Karen, so I am not completely out of the loop. He is doing great and should be caught up by his 3rd birthday!

Trey and William are both doing great. They have Parent/Teacher Conferences coming up in a couple weeks. Trey is excited because his is a student-led conference, meaning he gets to show me how he has been doing while the teacher watches. He thinks that is pretty cool, and so do I. He wants Daddy to be there too, so hopefully he will be able to. This place is awful about keeping the soldiers away during important times. (He is going to miss all of Spring Break). But, our boys are pretty strong and, sadly, used to it. I got off track again. Sorry. Anywho, Trey had Spring pictures last week, so be looking for those. I haven't heard about when Wil's are/were, but as soon as we get them, you will see them! William has had some behavioral issues in school. It is mostly just being the class clown and tickling his "girlfriend". Oh, boy. Yeah, we are going to have issues throughout with that one. Those of you that know me, especially those that knew me in school, have already said to yourself, "Ha! Wonder where he gets THAT from?!" Yes, I know. He is more like me than either of the other two that I can tell so far. He is always the last one done eating, too, just for a few more laughs from the peanut gallery. (You know who I am talking about.) But, he is a happy kid, as are the other two, and I couldn't ask for more!

We all miss everyone back home so much! I wish we weren't so far away and could travel home more often, but this is where we are right now. We are counting down the days until we get to be back home for holidays, get-togethers, weddings, and just overall stop-by visits, not to mention camping at Monroe with some of our favorite people! Just a mere two and a half years left! 

colts fan


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