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Sesame Street!

 30 August 2012

I should be writing my last essay of my English Composition course, but it is so much easier to talk about things I love instead. Lucky for you all, I'm a procrastinator! Ha!

Last week, the wonderful USO brought some of Sesame Street's finest out here to the desert to visit with us and put on a show! Naturally, I had to take Alex to see Elmo and Cookie Monster! We had so much fun, but I am thankful it was only a half an hour or so show. He got pretty tired of staying in one general area for too long. He did, however, get up and dance a little bit! His main concern was trying to figure out where Cookie Monster and Elmo went when they were hiding behind the curtain. So, when they weren't out there dancing and talking, he was constantly asking where they were. And, of course, when they came back out, he had to point and announce it to me. Whatever keeps him interested, right? 

I decided not to take my camera (it is about shot, to be honest), but I had my phone and took quite a few. If I were to share them all, this would be too long of a post. These are some of my favorites! Enjoy!

Alex and me before the show. He loves that toy! :)
 As I said, he loves that toy. I think his eye speak for themselves in the left picture.

 The girl's name was Katie, and she was sad that she had to move away (her dad is in the military).

 CM was busting a move. Too cool!

 I think they were doing the "Elmo Slide" in this one. 

 Dancing on the left... pointing out Elmo on the right. :)

And, he's done... 

We had such a fabulous time! Truth be told, I think I enjoyed it more than Alex, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.  :) Don't forget to click on the photos to enlarge them. They have more of an effect when you can see them better!


Woah... Where Did Everybody Go?

 28 August 2012

I know. I know. It's only been seemingly forever since I have been here. So, is there anyone still out there listening? This should be a long post, but it is late(ish) here, and I get tired early. Whether I go to sleep when I am tired or not is a different story. But that's a story for another day.

Just a quick update to start with. Then I will add some new pictures for everyone to enjoy. Everyone is doing great. As you all know, school has started back, and the boys seem to love their new schools and teachers. I, for one, am just elated to be getting back to a routine. 

Trey is in middle school now and has a "schedule" of his own to follow, including a P.E. class in which he has to change into a uniform of sorts and has the option of showering afterward. None of the boys do, though, according to Trey. Ha! Basketball will be starting soon, and he is hoping to make the team. We got his physical done, and he had to get his shots updated. He was none too happy about that. He can split his head open enough to get 20 stitches without crying one tear but whines and moans and gets scared to death about a couple shots. These kids, I swear.

William likes his new teacher and new bus driver. He has already gotten into trouble a couple times this week for talking. I have NO idea where he gets that from, but it is completely unacceptable. Ok... enough laughing, people. I know! He is, thus far, the child I was always warned about. You know, the one that would "pay me back" for all the things I got in trouble for. I can't be too mad at him for that, though. I mean, it is my fault, right? 

Alex has been doing great! He is still doing in-home speech therapy, and he loves it. He is talking more than ever, as you know from our short but meaningful visit we were blessed to have had. He learns new words every day, even if they don't come out just right. We recently took him back to the doctor to ask about his legs again. The doctor that he saw previously had x-rays done that showed he was knock-kneed but not enough for braces. That doctor PCS'd (moved on military orders) to a different post, and I am not sad to have seen him go. The doctor he saw this last time made it known that he was no specialist on the matter and put in a referral for Alex to see one. I am so happy to hopefully get his legs straightened out. He has had one shot against him after another his whole life, and if we can mark one bad strike off his list, then, by God, we will! 

Well, that would be just about all the new stuff about the boys. We truly don't have a lot going on out here, but we are all happy and healthy. What more could we ask for?

Trey and his friends Jackie and Anna on the first day of school.
William David on his first day of 3rd grade.
 Alex was supposed to be in the picture with William, but at the last minute he got mad and decided he wanted no part of it seeing as how he didn't actually get to go to school. So I thought maybe going to the playground behind the house would cheer him up. It did!

Alex can climb up all by himself now!

I hope you have all enjoyed reading about the family! I promise to try harder about keeping up on this. This crazy/busy summer had gotten me so out of whack, but the plan is to get back into the swing of things better than before! Fingers crossed! :)


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