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Just a Quickie...

 17 September 2012

Hello, again! We haven't been up to a whole lot with Papa Shu having been on rotation, and me working on my courses. BUT, I do have some quick updates for you!

First of all, I have to toot my own horn a little bit. I have FINALLY completed my English Composition course! Woohoo!! I have been working on it (and putting it off) for way longer than I should have! I submitted my final exam last week, but a couple days later, my last essay was returned for me to rewrite. Well, that was a blow to my self-esteem for sure! I rewrote it and got it turned in today. Hopefully, it will get a passing grade, and I can get to my next semester and core classes!! I got to a low point and wasn't sure I was ever going to get through this. Robert was nothing but supportive and pushed me to get it done, helping me by talking with me about my subjects I had to write about and giving me his opinion on things. I probably would have just given up on it if he wasn't here to build my confidence back up. Getting a passing grade on my last essay and the overall course would help a whole lot too, though. Just saying! Once the last two are graded, my final exams for Biology and Psychology will be sent out for me to do, and I will be DONE with my General Studies Certificate! YES!! So ready to get there!

Now onto Trey. We didn't think he was going to get to be in cross-country since he hadn't really shown much interest in it at the beginning of the school, but mostly because he hadn't turned in his sports physical and permission slip. After turning those things in this past Friday (since he wants to play basketball this fall), he was told he could go ahead and finish the cross-country season! (Meets just started a couple weeks ago.) He was super excited! His first practice was this morning. He ran 2 miles in 14 minutes, 9 seconds! That's faster than Robert did on his last PT test, and it's a heck of a lot faster than I can walk/jog it! He has his first meet this Thursday. I don't know yet what he will be doing (distance-wise), but I am sure he will be amazing at it!

William doesn't really have too much going on. But he says he has the best teacher in 3rd grade, and he tells me every week (if not almost every day) that his teacher "makes learning fun!" I am glad he likes her so much, because he tends to not like school sometimes. I think the majority of kids go through that, but he worries me with it being so young. I've said it before, but we are going to have our work cut out for us with him. Ha! He is so much like me in so many ways... it's almost scary! ;) I would like to think I turned out okay, though, so I am sure William will too... maybe even better!

Alex, for those of you that haven't heard, has caught up on his talking! He had his evaluation last Monday and is being released from the program (his in-home therapy)! They said he is no longer behind and in need of their services. Considering where he was in January (not talking at all) and where he is now (can't get a quiet moment when he's awake), I would have to agree with them! They are also putting in a referral with the preschool here on post. He will be given another evaluation by the preschool to see if he needs to be in the speech classes. If they say he still needs some work, they will accept him and put him in those classes. If they say he doesn't need those classes, he can still start preschool at the age of 3. So, it is a win/win I'd say!

That's about all I have for updates today! Besides, Peyton Manning is going to be taking the field shortly, so I need to get dinner going! (I miss seeing him in Blue and White, but I still love watching him play!)

Quote of the Day: "A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money." --John Ruskin


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