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Air Show on a Beautiful Day...

 17 October 2012

Hey, everyone! We finally got to get off post for a while this past weekend! YAY!! As a lot of you know, it does not happen often, and it lifts our spirits every time. Being in the middle of nowhere has definitely taken a toll on us out here. I cannot wait for the day that I get to enjoy four different seasons instead of one really long one with a couple teaser days here and there.

But, enough whining. Who wants to see some pictures?! I, much like things my mother has been known for, forgot to get batteries for my camera. The camera itself made the trip to the air show with us but had to stay in the car. Some things, strange as they are, have got to be genetic. That being said, I love my mom very much! ;)

 Wil (left) and Trey (right) "squishing the hot air balloon.

Our boys... please ignore Alex's "Bubba J" look. Ha!

 Enjoying the air show...

 ...could not care less. LOL!

 Cheesin' for lunch time!

All the other pictures were of the planes and not really that good. I figured you would rather see the boys instead of the planes anyway. It was a good day, not too hot and not too cold. It was very clear, though, as you could see. So, we couldn't stay long because we didn't bring sunscreen. Guess that's something I don't think about since I generally stay inside the house. Whoops! It was a good day of family time, though. I will take that any day!


Something else the boys and I did was A Walk to Remember. It is a remembrance walk for families who have lost babies or toddlers due to a miscarriage or illness or any other causes. Their slogan is "We walk for the steps they'll never take." A friend of mine that just recently moved here lost her baby girl to SIDS just over a year ago. She saw it and invited us to walk with her. We agreed, obviously, and decided to walk for Jamie, my baby sister that was only able to grace us with her physical presence for thirty short days.
William (top left) is holding a lit candle that we kept lit throughout the walk. Alex (bottom left) is holding a balloon that he later let go of on accident. Trey then said that he released it for the miscarriage we had in 2008. Such a sweet boy. Trey (right) is releasing the balloon with a message up to Jamie in heaven. The message I signed from "Mommy, Jen, & Jess" and said, simply, "We love and miss you every day." I am so thankful the boys got to be there with me. Robert said he would like to go next year. For those of you that know him, I was a little surprised by this, and it made my heart melt.


This One's For the Boys...

 07 October 2012

Happy Sunday to all! I hope all is well with everyone! We are just sitting around enjoying football season, as per every Sunday. It is finally starting to cool off some out here. We have had highs in the 80s, which is fabulous! We'll be wearing hoodies before we know it!

Trey had his final cross-country meet yesterday! He said he doesn't know what place he got because they only announced the top ten, which he was not in. But, he said he did his best and had a great time, so placement doesn't really matter!

William is doing his own thing, which has gotten him in trouble a couple times. He is "taking his time" getting to class from breakfast causing him to have NINE tardy marks this year already. Apparently, I need to start taking him to school. (He rides the bus) Also, he has more than a little bit of a temper, so he is going to start talking to the school counselor about ways that he can calm down before doing/saying something that can get him in trouble or hurt someone. We'll get it worked out! He is a good kid, and we just need to focus on that!

Alex went to the doctor last week for his legs. It was a waste of a trip, though, because he wouldn't let the doctor examine him. Shocking, I know. This doctor seemed nice enough but clearly didn't have time to deal with Alex's issues with doctors. So, we have to take Alex to get more x-rays done of his hips and legs so the doctor can examine those instead. Yeah. That should be a good time. Alex hates x-ray machines too. Wish us luck!

So, I gave you a collage of Alex last time. How about one of William today? He was so funny making these faces. You can look at each and caption them yourself. Too funny!

Also, I took a couple today since the boys all wanted to wear their Colts jerseys. I just love these boys, and I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do!

They are pretending to love each other. :)

Our very own little offensive line. :)


Happy October!!!

 04 October 2012

Hello, everyone, and welcome to October! Has this year gone by quickly for anyone else?! It seems to have just blown by out here! I suppose that is what happens when you look at time in terms of rotations and block leaves as opposed to by months! Well, whatever works, because I cannot wait to get out of the desert! And I know a few family members that wouldn't mind us getting out of it too!

For those of you that are always asking about my schoolwork, I would first like to say thank you! You have all been such great motivators and supporters! Secondly, I want to update you and let you know that I completed my final exams yesterday afternoon for my General Studies program. I could not be happier about being done with the first semester! I do not yet have my grades for them, as they have to be mailed back to the school and graded there, but whichever way it goes, they are DONE! Once they are graded, I will be re-enrolling for semester two, which begins my core classes. Yay!

Not a lot has changed since the last time I wrote. Robert is still working a lot. Trey is finishing up his cross-country season this Saturday. Wil is getting taller but still skinny as a rail and acting just like me when I was a kid. (Oh, boy...) Alex is talking better, which is a good thing because he doesn't stop talking very often. We do have to go get more x-rays taken of his legs in the next two weeks, though, so the orthopedist can see if they need corrected. He was not so willing to allow the doctor to examine them yesterday, so we have to go with the x-rays. Wish us luck that he will allow them to be taken! 

Now, I leave you in good spirits with the many faces of Alex! He wanted to do a mini photo shoot with my phone, and I knew you would get as much of a kick out of it as I did!


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