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A Whole Lotta Nothin'...

 20 November 2011

I would just like to start off by saying NASCAR is so boring to watch, and I am glad I rarely have to watch it. Also, I think the NFL season should be as long as the NASCAR season. Just my opinion.

That being said, what do you suppose we have been up to today? You betcha. Football and racing. This is the normal Sunday for us here at the House of Shu, and I love it. We all get to be lazy and stay in pajamas and just veg on the couch. I do no cleaning aside from laundry, but it is a lazy chore anyway, as far as I am concerned. Plus, after going for my first "run" yesterday, I am enjoying not having to move around a whole lot. This mama is getting old and needs to get back in shape. I can't stand that I am so sore from one little 25-minute exercise. But, the fact that my 'fat pants' are now form-fitting is enough motivation for me to run everyday! Except Sundays, of course.

Oh, I finally called the speech therapist about Alex's lack of talking. Guess what happened. I got to leave a voice mail and was told not to call back unless they haven't returned my call within a week. After the week, I can call back, and most likely be asked to leave another message. Isn't that how it normally goes?

Sorry there isn't much to this post. I don't really have much to talk about. We haven't really done anything to speak of. When Robert actually gets to be home with us, he generally doesn't feel like going anywhere. I can't say I blame him, considering he hardly ever gets to be home. I am sure we will eventually fall into life here, but it isn't coming easily, that's for sure.

colts fan


Long Week...

 11 November 2011

Man, have I been slacking! I have my reasons, all of which may very well come across as excuses, but they seem legitimate enough to me.

To start, Robert has been working crazy hours. His company is out at gunnery right now (in the 'field' shooting the tanks), but since he was gone to WLC for about a month, he didn't get to qualify or take any of the classes beforehand. Therefore, he does not get to shoot. He has done two 24-hour shifts at the barracks, an all day/all night shift in the field changing out targets, and doing random things on the other days. So, when he is home, I don't get on the computer too often.
Also, we have all been a little sickly. Trey woke me up Monday morning saying his nose was stopped up, and his throat hurt. I gave him some medicine and sent him to school, as he was not running a fever and appeared to have a simple cold. Well, within the next few days Robert and I both contracted whatever it was. Robert has been pretty whiny about having to work, but I don't blame him at all. I haven't done a whole lot of anything since I started feeling bad. I have done what I have to (i.e. cooking, cleaning, taking care of the boys, etc.), but meals have been simple and "cleaning" has consisted of picking up the big stuff and loading/unloading the dishwasher. 

Because I have been pretty immobile and enjoying the comfort and warmth of our sofa, I have been somewhat productive on schooling. I am now on to Biology, and I am not soaking it up nearly as well as I did Computer Applications. After all, I have married into a tech-geek family and have picked up on more than a few things there. Plus, I had some experience with Word and Excel back when I worked (not since 2008). Obviously, it was good to brush up on those a little before getting back into the workforce, which I am hoping will be soon!

Well, that is what we have been up to, for the most part. Trey is feeling almost 100% again, and Wil and Alex still haven't gotten sick and hopefully won't! Robert and I are getting by, as we always do, and just looking forward to block leave in December.

Here is a short video just to make you smile.
I don't know if you have ever heard the song Blue Sunday, but it is one of his favorites.


General Studies, Course One

 03 November 2011

This is just a quick note to brag on myself a little bit. I just finished my first course, Computer Applications. I had 3 exams and 3 projects. I took my first three exams on October 27th (I was a little excited) and got 100s on all three. The next few "exams" were projects for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These were a little nerve-wracking as I had never used PowerPoint and only used the others a handful of times more than three years ago. But I took my Practice Exercises seriously and took my time with them until I felt comfortable enough with them to do it on my own. And, I ended up getting 100s on all three of those as well! So, as of now, I have a Lesson Average of 100! Yay, me!! 

I can't (or shouldn't, rather) take any more exams until I get my new textbooks for my Biology course, which I can't say I am excited about. It takes about 6 days to get them here. They should be here by the end of the day Tuesday, Nov 8th. Then, I will dive into those courses just as I did my previous, hopefully keeping my Lesson Average as close to the same as possible. So, I am going to do my best to not think about schooling for the next few days and enjoy my "time off" a little more than I have the last 24 hours. I use the word "obsess" a lot, but when I set my mind to something, I have a hard time thinking about other things until that "project" is completed. I choose to think of that as a good thing, as I am invested in the "project", regardless of what it may be. I will keep you all up-to-date on how things are going throughout this next year. I only hope that after this year I can continue to better myself as I am doing now. Thank you all for listening and your support through everything!

Combat boot designs


Our Happy Halloween!

 02 November 2011

So sorry it has taken me so long to get this posted. I was busy with school work yesterday. School work/projects are kind of my new obsession. But, considering the other "obsessions" I have had, I think this is a good one to have! Robert thinks I am going to get burnt out on it. I think I am completely stoked about getting started on a career that I will keep going, full steam ahead! Only time will tell, though. (Plus, I don't like him being right. You all should know this by now. haha)

I am going to start off by showing you something scary but completely unrelated to Halloween. This little guy was in our garage. We had seen a smaller one a couple months ago above our front porch. I am thinking this is the same one. I would rather think we have ONE that is growing than an entire family of different sizes.
"Our" camel spider. He is about 2 inches long. Be sure to click on this pic and see it bigger!

So onto Halloween. Alex wasn't too keen on the dressing up part of the day. He did, however, love the candy portion. Here are a couple pics of the boys all dressed up. Trey made his own costume. I did his make-up, and Robert did the "blood" on his face as well as the "blood" on William's axe. This was only the 2nd time ever that Robert has gotten to take the boys Trick-or-Treating (first time for Wil). He took the big boys while Alex and I passed out candy. We only had 10 kids.

The Phantom, the Zombie, and the baby! :)
Trey stayed in character for all the pictures, as you can tell.

The orange shirt was as far as I was going to go. :)

After walking all over post with Dad, they got washed up and posed for some pics with their stash. William is saying, "This is MY candy!" (He wanted me to tell everyone that.)

All in all, it was a great day. We were so happy and fortunate to have Dad home with us this year, and we are even happier he will get to be here for Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
I will try to keep up on the blog as well as the school work, but bear with me. I don't want to neglect either, let alone these guys here at the house with me. They are all kinda special to me. :)



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