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Song Challenge: Day 21...

 31 January 2012

Day 21: A Song You Listen to When You're Happy
There were a lot to choose from on today's challenge song. But this is just such a fun song! It reminds me of our boys in the back seat of the car singing the "Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh" (got that? lol) part, and it still just makes me smile. It also reminds me of my Uncle Tim. He loves him some Jennifer Nettles! (At least he used to...)


Have You Missed Us??

 30 January 2012

I did not realize it had been so long since I had written a how-we're-doing blog. I have some time right now, so I figure there is no time like the present! 

As most of you know, Gramps was here visiting last week. The week started off great by going to Los Angeles for the first time since we moved out here. We did a little window shopping to start the day off. That is where Trey decided he wants this for his birthday, Christmas, whatever:
Clearly, that is NOT going to happen until he gets his very own job and buys it himself! We were standing about 5 feet from him, if that, and I literally had to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. In all honesty, this was a pretty impressive set-up, including foot pedals, steering wheel, and a full surround sound system. However, this is for someone that only has friends that "live" in those 3 computer screens, in my opinion.

After doing some shopping, we decided to go to the Le Brea Tar Pits. I, unfortunately, did not get any pictures while we were there. I am slacking, I know. It was neat, though, to learn about what the tar pits are actually about, not to mention seeing the pit that Mike Rowe worked in on Dirty Jobs. I guess we all just had too much fun while we were in L.A., and Alex couldn't contain himself. He got sick and threw up all over the middle seat, his car seat, the floor board, and himself. We were still a good 2 and a half hours away, so, needless to say, the truck wasn't smelling so good by the time we got home. 

The next day we didn't go quite as far from home, just in case. We went off post, though, and spent some time at the mall and furniture stores doing more window shopping. It was another good day, especially considering there was no puking. But Papa Shu had to go to work the next day, so we cut it a little shorter. Over the next couple days Papa Shu and I got the stomach bug, but it wasn't as bad as Alex had felt. Unfortunately for Robert, he had to go into the field and wouldn't be back for a few days. I can only imagine how awful that was, but there are no sick days in the Army. 

Wednesday the boys and I went to Las Vegas with Gramps. We went to M&M World and Coca-Cola. We got lucky, and it wasn't very busy while we were there. So we got to take a few good pictures!
Alex now refers to any M&M's he sees as "num nums" since Gramps was generous enough to buy us blue and white ones to put into our new Colts jar Mamaw and Papaw got us for Christmas. We also watched a short 3D film that was pretty cute, and Alex was amazed for the first 5 minutes or so. Then he was more interested in the glasses. It was only about a 10 minute video, though, so it was fine.
After M&M World we went next door to the Coca-Cola store/museum-type thing. Gramps paid an ungodly amount for some pictures there, but this one was taken with my camera. The Coca-Cola polar bear moved around, and, when I get around to it, I will scan in the picture that Gramps bought. In that picture, the polar bear is kissing Alex's head. Too cute! I was surprised that Alex wasn't afraid of him. He is squeamish about a lot of unfamiliar things, but he loved this bear.

After leaving there we went to the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop. We didn't get to see Rick or Chumlee or any of the other main guys, but we did see the big body guard that, if you have seen the show Pawn Stars, Chumlee was trying to teach the job to. They were filming some shots of miniature airplanes someone was trying to sell, so I wasn't allowed to take any pictures at the time. I didn't see him after the filming was done. Otherwise I would have gotten my picture with him! Any of these look familiar?
It was a really fun trip.... until Trey got sick later that night at Famous Dave's. It was his turn, I guess. He said he felt better after he spent a few minutes in the bathroom, and he didn't get sick anymore. Unfortunately, Gramps didn't get much sleep that night. He had caught it too! He was down and out for a couple days, but he was still nice enough to allow me a couple hours to go to the gym 3 times last week. I can't thank him enough! Luckily, everyone is feeling better now.

We got out of the house again Saturday to take some pictures around post. We drove just outside the gate and got some pictures of the painted rock pile. I am not going to post them all, but these are some of my favorites.

 All the boys enjoyed going out to the rocks. Alex wanted to climb with his brothers, but mean old Mom wouldn't allow it. So, the story of the picture in the bottom left is him "climbing" a rock all by himself and posing until I snapped this picture. He's a ham. Trey took a couple of Alex and me to show everyone proof that we live in the middle of nowhere. But I edited it some just for fun.
I had no intention of writing so much, but I suppose if I was posting updates more often, they wouldn't have to be so long. Don't forget to click on the pictures to see them better!


Song Challenge: Day 20...

Day 20: A Song that You Listen to When You're Angry
The context of this song doesn't really have anything to do with why I listen to this when I am angry. It is simply a good angry song. It is one of my favorites on my workout play list because it has a great beat, for one, and also because it just gives me that motivation to really work out any stress I may have, especially when I am using the punching bag. Besides, I think we can all relate at one point or another to the growl she has in her voice while singing this song.


Song Challenge: Day 19...

 29 January 2012

Day 19: A Song from Your Favorite Album
This entire album will forever be a favorite of mine. When I met my husband, we were just a mere sixteen years old. We used to listen to this entire album, which was his, by the way, all the time. I loved listening to these songs because I was completely love-struck, as many are at that age, thinking that is the eternal love and no one will ever measure up to that first true love. However, our love was a little different. I am not going to get into major details, but we were together for about four and a half years before splitting up and seeing what else the world had to offer. Well, clearly, we didn't like what the "other side" had to offer, and we ended up back together. Honestly, it has been a long road since the time we were listening to this album, but we couldn't be happier with how things have turned out. Like Mariah says, "But inevitably, you'll be back again. 'Cuz you know in your heart, babe, our love will never end". That rang true for Papa Shu and myself. It has been a great few years back together, and I can't wait to see what life brings us for the next few and, hopefully, more.


Song Challenge: Day 18...

 28 January 2012

Day 18: A Song You Wish You Heard on the Radio

Am I the only one that is proud to be an American every day of the year, as opposed to solely on the 4th of July? Hearing this song, especially while watching these videos along with it, makes me tear up and remember why this country is so great. I believe we could all use a little reminder every so often how wonderful it is to live in freedom. 


Song Challenge: Day 17...

 27 January 2012

Day 17: A Song You Hear Often on the Radio
I honestly had never heard this song until Haley Reinhart sang it on American Idol last season. Ever since then I hear it on the radio nearly every time I go anywhere. The sad part is that it only takes about 5-7 minutes to get anywhere here on post, and I rarely go off post. I get it... everyone loves Adele... okay. But why play it every other song? Much like yesterday's song in the challenge, it is already over-played.


Song Challenge: Day 16...

 26 January 2012

Day 16: A Song You Used to Love but Now Hate
I do not so much hate this song. This is just a simple case of "over-played". And, now it is stuck in my head... Gah.


Song Challenge: Day 15...

 25 January 2012

Day 15: A Song that Describes You
Um, for those of you that know me, I am sure this song comes as no surprise. However, I have made up my mind that, though I will have lazy days from time to time, this song will no longer describe me. I do enjoy this song, though, and the video cracks me up!


Song Challenge: Day 14...

 24 January 2012

Day 14: A Song that No One Would Expect You to Love
My Papaw has this on vinyl, and we always used to play it when we were out visiting. I don't know if it just reminds me of my papaw or what it is, but I adore this song. I hope you all enjoyed it too!


Song Challenge: Day 13...

 23 January 2012

Day 13: A Song that is a Guilty Pleasure
*Some of you may be a little put off by this song/video, and I apologize if you are.*
I, personally, love this song and most of Pitbull's music. I love this kind of music in general. It energizes me like no other music does. However, I am aware that I am a white girl... oh, excuse... I am a Caucasian female. (I didn't want to offend any of my politically correct audience.) I listen to this normally when I am home alone and cleaning house or just feel like dancing and no one is around to laugh. Ha!

So, now I am caught up on my challenge and will take a break from blogging for today. Check it tomorrow! I have a feeling some of my family is going to love tomorrow's song!


Song Challenge: Day 12...

Day 12: A Song from a Band You Hate
I had a hard time with this one. I don't really hate any bands. I chose this one because I am not a huge fan of Coldplay and am not real sure what is even going on in this video. Not much else to say about a band/song I have barely even heard.


Song Challenge: Day 11...

 21 January 2012

Day 11: A Song from Your Favorite Band
I know. I know. I have already posted a ZBB song, but I love their music, hence the "favorite band" part of this day's challenge. This, in my opinion, will always be a song that you sing to without even really realizing you are singing it. It just has that kind of tune you (and by "you" I mean me) can't help but enjoy. It always brings a smile to my face when I hear this one, and I hope you are enjoying it too!


Song Challenge: Day 10...

 20 January 2012

Day 10: A Song that Makes You Fall Asleep
My mom used to play this song when my sister and I were just kids. When I first remember hearing this song it was just the three of us in a house that was turned into two apartments, our half only having one bedroom. We may not have had a lot of things or the ability to go do much, but we had each other and the rest of our loving family. I assume I may speak for my sister in saying that we were happy kids growing up, and I accredit that to the love that was never in short supply. I do not know what this song meant to my mom or if it was just a song she could relax to, but to this day it calms my nerves, puts a smile on my face, and I can fall asleep before it is over. 

I love you, Mom! Thank you for always taking care of us and making so many memories! I cannot wait to be back home so our kids can make some more with you too!<3


A Little Silly...

 19 January 2012

Well, hello! I thought since I haven't really talked about anything lately that I would just write a little something. I hope you have all been enjoying the Song Challenge as much as I have. Some days are definitely harder than others, but I am loving reliving some of these moments as I shuffle through this thick skull of mine to find that just-right song. I am looking forward to the days to come!

But for now we shall stay in the present. I am sitting on the couch watching me some American Idol while Papa Shu is out in the windy box fighting some SEALs tonight. He is not a fan so much of the show. (By the way, if you were watching last night's episode from Savannah, GA, I would just like to say... I have been exactly where they were. That is all.) Therefore, this is how I prefer to spend my "me" time. A little too in-the-now, though, huh?

How about this morning? Want to hear about Alexander's appointment? Okay. Well, simply put, it went great! This was the best one he has had yet. He sat still and was engaging the therapist the entire hour. She is so impressed at how smart he is. With his signing, she could tell that his cognitive (higher thought processes) skills are there; he just can't express with words what he wants/needs. He has also been picking up new words here and there. Any signs we teach him, he at least attempts them. Most of them he has already picked up and can sign without being shown if asked to "say" them. Tonight was also his first night without his pacifier! I heard him playing in his crib for a little while, but he didn't cry at all! I am sure tomorrow will be rougher. Hopefully, he will forget about it soon enough. Either way, we are proud of him and can't believe how fast he is growing up! He has his doctor appointment tomorrow, and we will be discussing his hearing test, speech pathology exam, and crooked legs. Stay tuned for updates on all that!



Song Challenge: Day 9...

Day 9: A Song You Can Dance To
I love this song! My favorite memory of this song is from Robert's second homecoming! While we were all packed into the Special Events Center on Fort Carson waiting for our soldiers to come home, they were playing music and letting us (and our antsy kids) dance and play around. This was one of the songs they played, and it was such a great way to pass the time before getting to have our heroes back home with us. The last time I actually danced to this, though, was at the platoon party we held at our house last summer. That was a good time to... and, yes, I still have pictures of it. LOL!

This was the Cha Cha Slide (another good song to dance to), I think, but it gives you and idea for what I was talking about. Taken March 1, 2011 when D Co, 1-68AR came home.


Song Challenge: Day 8...

 18 January 2012

Day 8: A Song You Know All the Words To
I don't really want to get into why I enjoy this song so much. My family and closest friends know the meaning of this song to me, and I will leave it at that. Aside from the more personal reason, this is a good song to dance around to. I love the Dixie Chicks! They took something so serious and made it fun, and I love 'em for it! :)


Song Challenge: Day 7...

 17 January 2012

Day 7: A Song that Reminds You of a Certain Event
Ok. I know what you are thinking... cheesy. But, hear me out. My family is very close. At Christmastime my great-grandma, who has 13 children and numerous grand- and great- and great-great-grandchildren, has a Christmas get-together. Everyone gets to come see extended family that they/we haven't seen in sometimes years. It may not seem that important to some, but to our family, we appreciate and enjoy the opportunity to see everyone, even if for just a few hours once a year. Well, that being said, my aunt started bringing a karaoke machine for a little something extra. I think it was originally meant for the kids, but we adults may have taken it over once or twice. This song was one that we silly ones would do for fun. Our late aunt Carol would sing this with my sister and me whole we had multiple back-up singers. (We only had a couple microphones, so we all shared) Since I have been away from family for a few years during this get-together and Aunt Carol has passed, I miss these silly little times. I can't wait to get back and enjoy being goofy with my sister and Aunt Pam and all others whom I haven't seen in so long! Love you all and miss you even more!

*I actually teared up thinking about these days. See what happens when you come up with your own challenge.


Song Challenge: Day 6...

 16 January 2012

Day 6: A Song that Reminds You of Somewhere
I think this one is kind of obvious. I know this is more of a sad song, but it came out while we still lived in Colorado. Now that we are away from Colorado, the sadness of this song really hits home to me. We loved living there, and we miss it and our friends more and more every day. One day, even if just to visit, we will be back there. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, and I am proud to have called it home, even if just for a short while.


Alex is 2!

 15 January 2012

We didn't do a whole lot today. He was every one's king of the day, as all the boys are on their birthdays. We are planning to do something more special for him when Papa Shu has more time off. (Him being off work today was a last-minute surprise.) But here are some pictures of him and his cake. 
He was truly mesmerized by the flame!

 Daddy was blowing on the candles. Every time they flickered, Alex's eyes got huge, and he said "Ooh!" It was adorable, if I may say so myself. He was terrified of the smoke when Daddy finally blew them out. Good stuff! =]

(Don't forget... if you click on the pictures, you can see them full-screen. Enjoy!)


Song Challenge: Day 5...

Day 5: A Song that Reminds You of Someone
This was another easy one. This song reminds me of my very best friend that has been there for me even when I am thousands of miles away. We talk nearly every day, and this has been the ringtone I have had set for her for about 4 years. We used to go out dancing together years ago, and she always requested this song. Good times, my friend. Good times. I miss my family and friends, and this is just another song that makes me feel a little more at home, no matter where I am.

*Start your challenge now if you haven't already!


Song Challenge: Day 4...

 14 January 2012

Day 4: A Song that Makes You Sad
This one I chose because things like this video happen way too often. I have seen it happen to our soldiers and heard about many more instances than I have witnessed. It is sad and disgusts me that spouses cheat on their husbands/wives while they are defending our country voluntarily. I had other songs in mind that would have worked also, but this one (suggested by Trey) brings to light a lot of the reasons you hear about the suicides in the military. Granted it isn't the only reason, but it happens more often than I would care to hear about, being an Army wife myself.


Song Challenge: Day 3...

 13 January 2012

Day 3: A Song that Makes You Happy
How can you not be happy when you hear this song?? This is also my mom and sister's song, so I think of them both when I hear it. This song just says to me that all my worries are gone, and it is all going to be alright. It has cheered me up after such a simple thing as having a bad day to going through a divorce and starting over completely with nothing. I would say we have all had those times in our lives when we don't think things will ever get better. This song has gotten me through those times in my life, and, with the words "All of those bad feelings have disappeared" and "It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright, sunshiny day", how could it not?! I hope this one has made some of you happy today!

*If you are interested in doing your own, check out the challenge!


Song Challenge: Day 2...

 12 January 2012

Day 2: Your Least Favorite Song

This song was played over and over again in 1999, and I had to change the station every time it came on. I don't know what it is about this song, but it annoys me like no other! I like Sugar Ray, in general, but this is not their best, in my opinion. 

This day's truly was a challenge for me. I was looking through the '90s and '00s Worst Songs list, and I liked about 90-95% of those songs! Ha! I am not sure what that says about me and my taste of music other than I just love music altogether! I like that you can feel a song in your heart by thinking about that special someone when you hear it one minute and dance around acting silly and having a great time to a different song the next. I just like to mix it up!


Song Challenge: Day 1...

 11 January 2012

I had an epiphany. I had started a "30-day Song Challenge" on Facebook before I left Colorado. However, due to the fact that we had limited to no internet service for many days, I never completed it. Well, I had just remembered I hadn't finished it and how much fun it was finding a new song to put up every day. I figured posting the challenge in my blog would be more fun for me, because I could explain why I feel the way I feel about that day's song and why I chose it. Are you all game for it?? I am!

Day 1: Your Favorite Song
This has been and always will be my favorite song. It doesn't matter what mood I am in; when I hear this song, I am dancing and laughing and in the best mood ever! It reminds me of too many times from high school to now to list, but I am sure there are plenty of you listening to this song and thinking about good times we have had. This is definitely a song that will always be in my playlist. 


Welcome to 2012!!!

 06 January 2012

Welcome to 2012, everyone! I apologize for being absent for so long. Perhaps one day I will start an entry without an apology. Ha! 

I will begin by updating you on the boys, everyone's favorite subject. The big boys went back to school on Thursday. They weren't too excited.... ok, they were not at all excited to go back. We all had a great Christmas break. We got to spend two full weeks together, all five of us! It feels as though it has been forever since we had time to just relax without work or school or, dare I say it, travel. After getting their electronic gifts at Christmas, Trey and William had to practically be forced outside to play with their friends. We let them be lazy often enough,don't get me wrong, but I wanted them to still be active and not get used to only having online "friends". You can call me a mean mom if you want. :) Speaking of active, it is time for Trey to sign up for a new "club" after school. He has decided to choose flag football for his first choice and soccer for his second this semester. William has been taken under Trey's wing. He has been learning different plays and terminology from Trey. I am so glad they are starting to become better brothers instead of just fighting and aggravating.

Alex got very use to us all being here. I think he may have enjoyed it as much as I did! He got a little bored the last couple days without having his brothers to follow around. However, yesterday morning was his first official meeting with his Speech Therapist. She, as well as the other two ladies that had come before, can see that he is a very smart little boy without being able to physically voice his needs/wants. His therapist will be working with him to help him vocalize better. We have all started using sign language with him, and he is catching on very quickly. Just to clarify, we have no reason to think he has hearing issues, though we are going to get his hearing checked soon with an audiologist. The sign language just helps him "voice" his needs. He knows now how to ask for more food/drink, and say "please" and "thank you". He knows "cat" and "dog" when I do them, but he hasn't quite mastered them. He is moving his mouth in more intricate ways as though he is trying to say words but has yet been able to figure it out. His next appointment, and subsequent, are scheduled on Mondays. I will try to keep you all informed as he grows. I am sure he will do great!

Onto us parents, I suppose. Papa Shu started school this week! He is going for his Bachelor in Information Technology. It will come naturally to him, I am sure. He is so much smarter than he believes. He is not looking forward to the actual coursework, however. His is a lot more involved than mine. Where my classes are to be done in my own time, he has assignments that are to be turned in by a certain day of the week. He also has to post a conversation topic of some sort and comment on so many of the other students' posts. He says he isn't looking forward to all the work that has to go into it while still working and being in the field two weeks out of the month. I can't say I can blame him there, but I know he will do a fabulous job and graduate with honors again. I am so proud of him!

And for Mama Shu... I am doing pretty well. I have completed another course, Music Appreciation. I love music, but I was not a fan of this course. I didn't want to take it, but I had to for my General Studies program. I am now working on my Psychology course (or "psycho-babble" as Robert puts it). I actually find the course very interesting. Aside from the Computer Application course, this is my favorite so far. I have three more exams to take in Psychology, my English Composition course, and two proctored exams to finish this program. As of right now my course average is 97%. Once I get the rest of these exams finished, I will get to move onto my Medical Assistant courses. On a separate note, I had an interview today at the library here on post. I had applied for the position in August and had forgotten about it until she called last week. I think the interview went well. I was there for about and hour and forty-five minutes. They should be getting a hold of me at the beginning of next week. The only issue I have is pay, as far as the boys being in daycare. They will all three have to spend some time in CYS (daycare on post) as the latest I could be working is after 7pm. Having Robert gone half the month, I will have to make sure I have them taken care of above all else. Having Alex in full-time daycare is $430/mo, plus what it would be for the older boys to be in CYS after school. As of right now, I don't know what we are going to do. But, getting the interview is a start!

So, to sum it all up, we are all doing great and starting off 2012 on nothing but a positive note! 

Here are a couple pictures from New Year's Eve:
Alex had already gone to bed when we took these, but I hardly ever get a picture with my husband! Bonus!


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