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San Diego!!!

 22 April 2013

Welcome again to the House of Shu! The weather is getting even more beautiful each day, flowers are blooming, and the pools are being opened! Bring on summertime!! Am I right?! Obviously, summer comes a lot faster here in the desert of California, but regardless of where  you are reading this from, the wonderful, warm weather is just around the corner!!

I would assume that the majority of you reading this right now have already enjoyed your Spring Breaks. We did and enjoyed every minute of it! As I said in the last post, Papa Shu got to spend the ENTIRE week with us for the first time in over 6 years!! I cannot even express how much that time with him and our boys meant to me. Papa Shu did a fantastic job making Spring Break special for all of us, and I can't help but to fall in love with him over and over again! 

Who's ready to see what sunny southern California has to offer?! Remember, we don't have a whole lot of time left here, so you should go ahead and book your flights now to come visit! Ha! ;) 

Our trip to San Diego was a very last minute decision. We have made some spur-of-the-moment trips this year, and I am loving it! Our "mommy/daddy" weekend to Vegas was a blast, but getting to spend time with the kids in San Diego, making new and wonderful memories... ah... that was a blessing!

 We started off our Zoo day with a fabulous breakfast at IHop. We don't get to eat out very often, so this was a real treat! Alex and William LOVED their baseball pancakes!
 The beginning!
 Trey had 50 cents in his pocket.... this foot massage chair is what he decided to spend it on.
 Our silly paleontologists! Hehe!
 These are transmitters the biologists put around the neck of elephants to track their movements! Huge!
 I love these boys!
 PLEASE be sure to click on these pictures to make them bigger. They are PRICELESS!
He actually ASKED for me to take this one! Wha..? ;)
 Inside the sea lion's igloo! (Tight squeeze for Mama Shu... just sayin'! Ha!)
 Peeking out of the ice! :)
 Hahaha! This was too perfect not to get a photo of!
 Seriously.... how handsome are these guys?!?!
 I absolutely LOVE my family!
 Galapagos tortoise, anyone?
 You can almost see how happy he is! (Don't tell anyone!) ;)
Why not finish it off with a trip to the beach?!
 Who doesn't LOVE the beach?! I suggest everyone visit Coronado Island! Absolutely beautiful!

 This was just a random photo op while we were waiting on our dinner. :)

 Our future shark biologist standing proud under one of his favorites.
 Now that's a BIG fish!
 William checking out different species. :)
Uh... is it dead? Ha! (It wasn't... we could see the gills moving.)
 Alex really liked the seahorses.
 My handsome guys at the aquarium :)
 Robert and Alex in front of our next "fish tank"! Ha!
William showing Alex "Dori".. what a good big brother! :)
 Educational time! :)
 Looking at "Marlin" inside the anemone :)
 Just beautiful!
 Waiting for the tide to come in...
 There it is!
 William and Trey touching the kelp when the tide comes in.
 Me and my boys!
I just love these kids!
Mother and baby whale statues outside of the Birch Aquarium.
One last photo op with my handsome hubby! :)

Before we went home, we stopped for lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe!
 We were both pretty tired by the end of the weekend. Ha!

I hope I didn't overwhelm anyone with ALL of these pictures! I have many more but most others are of the many different animals we got to see! We had such a good time being off post and spending time as a family away from everyday life. I can't even explain how relaxing and simply wonderful this weekend was for us all!


Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

 20 April 2013

Hello, beautiful people!! I hope everyone is doing well! Life out here in the desert has taken a bit of a change for the House of Shu, but it is all for the good! 

Recently, the boys had their Spring Break, and, for the first time since joining the Army, Papa Shu got to take time off with them! I had all of them here with me for an entire week! How GREAT is that?! As some of you have heard, read, or seen, we actually got to get off the "rock", as some call this isolated base, and make some wonderful memories!

But, first things first, Alex got a new bike! I don't dare call it a bicycle. Apparently, that's just not cool. Ha! He can pedal it himself and even knows how to stop fast enough to make skid marks (on our linoleum inside)! Ah, they grow so fast!
 Ready to head outside with Dad!

 He went all the way around twice! Big boy!

As you can see, the weather has been gorgeous! We finally had a chance to do what we always used to when we lived back home over Spring Break, though.... Chuck E Cheese!! Alex is old enough now that he is really getting into it, and Trey and William still have a blast! Who wouldn't!?
I didn't get as many pictures with Trey. He was off on his own getting as many tickets as he could, and I was chasing around a very excited 3 year old! I think you can see that everyone had a fantastic time, though! Enough that they were all exhausted on the way home! Who am I kidding... WE were ALL exhausted! :)

I hope this holds you over for another day or two! I have many more pictures to put up in the next one from our trip to San Diego!!


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