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Spirit Week: Day 4

 27 October 2011

I am on it today!! I actually got up WITH my alarm, which is highly abnormal. I think it is going to be a great day! 

Today is Crazy Sock Day for William, but he doesn't have any crazy socks.
 So, he is wearing mine! :)

Crazy Hat Day was Trey's Day 4, but, again, he doesn't have any crazy hats!
  So, he is wearing his favorite hat! :)

Maybe we will try to be a little more prepared for the next Spirit Week. But, either way, the boys have had fun getting to do/wear different things to school this week. Tomorrow is Spirit Day for both, so they will just be wearing their school colors.



Spirit Week: Day 3

 26 October 2011

Late again... I am on a roll! Ha!

Today was Pajama Day for both boys! This is going to be the easiest blog ever!

William sometimes wears this to bed, so he says these are pajamas. I argued, but I clearly lost the battle. Trey wore his favorite jammies.

And I know I said this was going to be the "easiest blog ever", but it took me about 20 minutes or so to get the pictures uploaded. Figures.



Spirit Week: Day 2

 25 October 2011

Sorry today's post is so late. Life happens, and sometimes it has other plans for you. But, I am it is still Tuesday here and in Indiana, so that still counts. That's how I feel anyway. 

Today, William's Spirit Day was kind of lame, in my opinion. If you are going to let the kids do/wear something they don't normally get to, let's make it a little more excited than.... SUNGLASSES!! That's right. Today's was "Wear your beach-ready sunglasses to school". Really? Oh, well. Maybe if I was part of the PTA I would have had a vote in what they did/wore. That will teach me, huh.
I know. It is dusty out here; what can I say?

Trey's Day 2 was Sport's Day. I figured he would don his Colts jersey, but I was wrong. Surprising, I know.
He wanted to 'sport' his own jersey.

Mr. Alex was a little jealous of the big brothers getting their pictures taken, so he asked ever so sweetly (by grabbing my arm and pulling the camera toward him) to take a couple pictures of him as well.
I am absolutely in love with his eyes. I wish the first one was a little clearer. Too funny, if I do say so myself.



Spirit Week: Day 1

 24 October 2011

This week is Spirit Week at the boys' schools. During Spirit Week, they get to wear different things to just be a little silly for the week.

William's Day 1 was Beach-wear. He doesn't have a Hawaiian shirt and didn't want to wear swim trunks, so he didn't participate today. Hopefully he will tomorrow.

Trey, on the other hand, embraced his inner goof. His Day 1 was Crazy Hair Day. All in good fun! :)

 I am looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of the week. Check back every day this week to see what they get to do!



A Little Taste of Home

 21 October 2011

Ugh. I hate being in limbo. I am ready to start school and get all my classes going and learning started, but I have to wait on my books and materials to get here. They should be arriving in a little less than a week. I guess I should just take this time to relax before I jump in feet first. Once I get started, I am going to be on it like white on rice, so I guess I will just enjoy a few more days of "downtime".

But, on a side note, I finally got out our pictures and decor. It is amazing how much different and more like home our little house feels having our family around. Well, they are just pictures, but it makes me feel better anyway. I have been missing everyone back home SO much! It is great being able to "see" them every day!

 I still have more pics to add to the Family frame, but I think it looks pretty good for now. :)

 I did NOT want that hutch, but I think it has grown on me. I like the "country" feel to that side of the room. :)

I just want you all to know that Alex absolutely LOVES the pics in the frame to the right. He points to Nonni & Pappi (my parents) kissing and thinks it is the funniest thing ever! :D




 17 October 2011

What a GREAT day!! Today, I have officially become a college student!! It only took me eleven years to decide on a career, any career. I have always been afraid I would go to school for the wrong reasons and end up hating my profession or just simply not using it. But, today, I got my student ID, and I am official!! I truly never thought I would be so excited about school. Excited may be an understatement. I am ECSTATIC!!! I know this is just the beginning of an even better life for myself as well as my not-so-little family! Life is only getting better from here!

Since we are on the topic of school, I figured I had better share these handsome guys' pictures with you. I, for one, think they are some of the best looking guys out there!

William David, 2nd grade

Trey, 5th grade

I am hoping to get family pictures done soon, but, let's be real, it probably won't happen until Christmastime. I will keep you all posted! 



Time to Grow Up..

 11 October 2011

I know, I know, I know. I haven't updated in a week. I have been pretty "blah", to say the least. I am not going to get into all that. It is simply feminine issues, and I am sure no one wants to know details. Therefore, I will spare you.

That wasn't the only issue, however. I am still playing Mommy and Daddy. I am not sure why this month is such a problem for me. I thought I had pretty much mastered playing both roles, considering the two 12-month deployments, as well as simply living in different states for a while. But, for whatever reason, this month has been quite a bit harder for me to find my patience and routine. We are just over a week into yet another separation... (maybe I shouldn't use that word. There are too many stipulations on that word. We are not separated as in divorcing, just to be clear. Separation as in more Army training that can't be done where we are at this time. Meaning, he is off at classes to further his career, and the boys and I are here holding down the house until he gets back.) ...and I feel like I nearly lost my mind last week. I barely got to talk to Hubby, as he has been busy training. The boys all push me as far as they can as soon as Daddy leaves (happens every time). I was just feeling overwhelmed. But things are finally starting to calm down, and I am adjusting. I think, honestly, that I have gotten too comfy with him here. Isn't that a strange thing to say? Even typing it didn't feel right. But, it is a true statement. I became too dependent on my husband. As an Army wife, that is the wrong thing to do. On top of all that, I QUIT SMOKING!!! I know, yay for me! But, it hasn't helped with my positivity over the last week. I am now about 5 days without a cigarette, so I would say I am past the worst of it. My nerves were absolutely shot during the first few days, though, and having all the boys home for 3 days this weekend during everything else... I just wanted to hide in my room, under my blankets, and not come out until everything was quiet. Knowing that was going to happen, unfortunately, the boys caught the brunt of my "transition", we'll call it. We have all made it through.... relatively unharmed.

On a much happier note, everything was approved, and SCHOOL STARTS OCT 19th!!!! I am so excited! I am a little nervous and anxious, though, as well. I mean, I have been out of school for 11 years! Now, I have to jump right back in and get an Associate degree in half the time it usually takes. Wow. The Queen song "Under Pressure" just started playing in my head. Ha! No worries. I am determined. After all, I will be 30 years old next year.... I would say it is time for this Mommy to grow up!



Such is life..

 03 October 2011

A new month, and less time with hubby. C'est la vie. The countdown has begun, but one day, there will be no more countdowns, and no more time apart. I could tell you how excited I am for those days! But, I am sure you already know.

We all have learned over the last few years to keep ourselves busy. Otherwise, I am pretty sure we would drive each other insane being cooped up in the house. So, what are we doing? Well, Trey is in the soccer club after school. He wanted to play basketball, but they were only allowing the 3rd graders to do that. (He's in 5th, for those of you that don't know.) He is so athletic. He wanted to do something active. He is wanting to get back into baseball in the Spring. Hopefully, William will get a chance to do that too. Poor thing always misses out when it comes to Spring sports. But, that is a "rant" for another time. WD is wanting to play football and baseball. I think playing a team sport would help him a lot. Anyone agree? I will keep you updated. Alex, well, he is my little helper. He helps with the dishes, laundry and picking up toys. It takes a little longer to get things done (and sometimes things have to get done twice), but what kind of mommy would I be if I told him no to helping?! Not going to happen. Patience is what makes a good mommy. That is one of my favorite lessons to have learned over the last 10 years, and these boys test me on it every day, I assure you.

*Just to tell you a little bit of the excitement that is the House of Shu, I just had a small kitchen fire. Of course it would happen today. Why not? Everything fun happens when he's out playing Army. He's just missing out, I guess. Ha! Besides, everything can't always be in order. What kind of fun would that be? I like to mix it up some. (It was just a little grease fire. No biggie. It put itself out with no damage. All is good.)

I have lost all train of thought now... could be from the mindless dribble that is on television, but I just can't get enough of Maury. Though my life has at times resembled a Jerry Springer episode, I have cut out the drama in my life. Therefore, I soak up day-time talk shows in all their dramatic glory. It reminds me of certain people in my past and brings a smile to my face and a warmth in my heart knowing those people are no longer a part of my life or the decisions I make. And, it makes me thankful to be one of a seemingly dying breed that still learns from her mistakes.



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